Thursday, October 19, 2006

Three weeks post-op

Not too much to report... I ditched the cane a few days ago and am walking pretty much normally now. My limp is mostly gone. The area around the scar is still a little inflamed and the groin muscle on my operated leg is tender when I lift my knee, but its exciting to see so much continued progress.

I'm eager to get to my 6 week followup to find out what I'm going to be allowed to do, exercise-wise... I really want to get up on a stationary bike or eliptical machine and start getting those muscles working again.

In case you missed it, there is a great article about Hip Resurfacing in the New York Times this week.

Not sure when I'll write next, perhaps in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Two weeks post-op

At two weeks after the surgery, I continue to make progress, though the improvements are less noticeable each day. I'm now able to walk without a cane or a crutch, though I still have a healthy limp so I'm keeping the cane with me when I leave the apartment. Its been nice to get out and about. I've been going to work using public transportation, which has been working out alright. I drove for the first time last night, which was a little uncomfortable since I have a standard transmission.

Today the steri-strips came off and I had my first look at the scar with nothing on it. It seems to be doing pretty well for the most part - healing pretty nicely. Its good to feel like I'm almost back to normal. All I'm doing now medically is taking ibuprofen.

I've been doing my exercises (simple leg lifts that the doctor outlined) and walking 1 1/2 miles a day. The biggest challenge continues to be remembering to follow my leg restrictions. Sleeping with a pillow between my legs gets to be kind of a drag and I still don't feel totally comfortable sleeping on my side even with the pillow because it feels like my legs are coming together, which they aren't supposed to.

The other downer at this point is the groin pain I'm feeling. Groin pain was the reason I had the surgery done in the first place and I was hoping it would be gone now. I understand the area is still probably a little inflamed and that is the likely culprit, but I can't help wondering if after all the effort, I'll still be limited by groin pain when the recovery is over.

Expected to have ups and downs - can't complain too much to be walking around without much pain 2 weeks after surgery though!

All bandages off - not TOO ugly

Thursday, October 05, 2006

10/5 One week post-op

Its been really great to see progress every day. I literally feel better each day that goes by. Last night I was able to sleep without vicodin and am considering going off of it entirely at this point because I really am feeling very little pain.

The main concern for me is trying to remember to follow my leg restrictions (don't bend knee past 90 degrees, don't cross legs, don't point toe inward) -- I've been trying very hard to be conscious of these things but the activities that happen during the course of a day and night sometimes push the boundaries. I had assumed that pain would be a guide but it really doesn't enter into the picture.

I do still have some inflamation and swelling around the scar, so I'm trying to keep it iced during the day, and am taking celebrex as prescribed. I've also got another 3 shots of Arixtra to give myself to guard against blood clotting -- but it feels like I've definitely made it through the next hurdle.

My friends have been great since I returned... I've had visitors every day, bringing me food and hanging out. All the attention is kind of nice. I feel a little funny about it because I am able to go out and wander down the street for supplies at this point, but I'm not complaining!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

10/1 Returning Home

I took an extra day before returning home, and I think it was definitely the right thing to do. Saturday was tough as I found I was quesy and weak all day long -- likely due to the fact that I was adjusting to coming off the pain killers. The cross-country flight would have been pretty miserable if I'd been sick as well as sore.

Flying back to San Francisco on Sunday went pretty well - the flights were more comfortable than I expected... I really didn't mind sitting in the airplane seats, even for the 6 1/2 hours of travel time. I found it was pretty bearable with a vicodin or two. I also recommend getting the wheelchair treatment... you'll do enough crutching around as it is, its nice to be able to relax when you're rushing to make a connection.

And, the question on everyone's mind? Yes. I do set off the metal detector. I was a bit disappointed that the agent wasn't interested in an explanation. He simply patted my side in search of a weapon, when none was there he sent me on my way.

Finally getting home was a really nice feeling. Having someone there to pick you up is key. I'm feeling a bit creaky and sore due to sitting all day, but I'm pretty amazed at the progress... it seems like I feel noticeably better each day.

Out and about