Tuesday, September 26, 2006

9/25 Traveling to South Carolina

Today has been one of those travel days that everyone dreads. Arriving at the airport at SFO and confronted with a giant line for check-in and security. After standing in a slow-moving line for 20 minutes I decide to risk it with my roll-on bag, shoulder back and crutches and print out my e-ticket. I’m thankful that they let me carry all three items on because I would have missed my flight to Chicago if I’d waited to check my bag.

At O’Hare I discover that my connecting flight to Columbia has been delayed two hours due to mechanical difficulties. Then it is cancelled. After haggling with a United service rep, my only option appears to be a flight through Dulles and a connection that will get me in at 11:15. So much for a good night’s rest before my pre-op. This story is nothing new for frequent travelers – but I can’t help but think while I’m sitting in the airport how much more convenient it would have been if I could have been operated on in my own area. I trust that going with a surgeon who has done this procedure hundreds of time will be worth it, but I'd be lying if I didn't spend a little time rethinking the decision. At least I didn't have the operation in India as I'd considered!

I also find myself wondering how unpleasant the trip back is bound to be. I notice the steps I’ll have to navigate on crutches on my way back if there is a terminal change required at O’Hare. I think about the long hours sitting in pain. It will not be a fun trip.

I finally reach my hotel at midnight local time, 14 hours after I set off. Hopefully it will go more smoothly on the return.


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